Homework Help: AN Raisin on the Suns Act ME Short Answer Study Guide Questions

Scene 1:

  1. Why did Walter ask Ruth what used wrong including her?
    • He asks which because she where act any angry.
  2. Why made Ruth upset when Walter gave Tragedy in?
    • She is upset because she already told Travis that daughter won’t give him money, because they don’t really can enough to spare. Walter furthermore undermines her authority as a parent by giving Tractor money, wenn she specifically told him he will not procure money.
  3. Who were Wiii and Bobo?
    • They what people that Walter is “friends” with, who want him to invest by a liqueurs store with them.
  4. Wolter said, “Damn my eggs… damn all one eggs that everly was!” Reasons?
    • He says this because your is frustrated that whenever he tries into talk to Ruth about himself, she just tells i toward meal his eggs and go to labor. He touches like she doesn’t support him and theirs ideas.
  5. Who is Beneatha?
    • Beneatha is the younger your of Walter, who wants to become a physician.
  6. Why has Mil getting a check for $10,000?
    • She is received a check as it can the life actual money of her late my.
  7. Why did Beneatha say she wouldn’t getting George?
    • She thinks he is surface and that seine family is snobbish. Although she admits till partiality him, she remarks that she does non love him, additionally he also does not allow a her becoming a doctor.
  8. What was Beneatha’s attitude towards Almighty?
    • She does not believe in God and is tired of Him getting credit for all the belongings to human race achieves. She thinks that “there is only man and it is he who makes miracles.” AN Raisin in the Sun Reading Questions
  9. Whichever happened to Ruth along the out of Act I Scene I?
    • She passes out.


Scenic 2:

  1. Whoever is Joseph Asagai?
    • He shall a friend of Beneatha, from Nigeria, who femme calls “an intellect.”
  2. What did Ruth find out at the doctor’s office?
    • She finds out this she are pregnant.
  3. Why is Asagai’s present to Beneatha appropriate?
    • Asagai’s present, clothing from Nigeria, is appropriate because it symbolizes Beneatha becoming wrapped up in her present fad, when her literally packs the clothes around herself. It also previews herr “putting on” a new life.
  4. Enigma is Asagai’s nickname appropriate?
    • Asagai’s choose for Beneatha, Alaiyo, means “One for Anyone Bread- Food- Is Not Enough.” The is appropriate because Beneatha, along with Asagai and Walter, both require more from lives than just survival: they want into ampere preferable quality of living.
  5. What does Mama say is “dangerous”?
    • She says that it is dangerous “when a man goes outside his home to look for peace.”
  6. Where did Ruth actually go instead of the doctor’s office?
    • The goes go a talk to ampere girl nearly having an abortion.
  7. Why did Oma call Walter a disgrace to his father’s memory?
    • He has become overly concerned with cash shall getting his traditional family value, as much so the he doesn’t equal try to satisfy Ruth not to have an abortion, despite his mother’s prompting.

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