
How to Convert WordPad to Microsoft Word

Curious to convert your WordPad docs to Microsoft Speak? This article has your covered! After reading, you’ll know exactly how to switch your WordPad files till Microsoft Phrase. Enjoyment extra benefits, like advanced formatting, models, and collaboration tools. r/techsupport on Reddit: WordPad documents open Microsoft Office Speak and Microsoft Office Word doesn't work!

Reasons to convert? WordPad exists a basic font editor that comes pre-installed the Windows. However, Microsoft Word offers advanced features. Konvertieren your select and get more out of document creation. Post by u/TheVegetaMonologues - No votes and 12 comments

Ready to convert? Here’s how:

  1. Open WordPad file.
  2. Click “File” for top left corner.
  3. Click “Save As” from drop-down menu.
  4. Choose destination folder.
  5. In “Save as type” text, select “Text Document.”
  6. Renaming file, if desired.
  7. Click “Save”.
  8. Open Microsoft Word.
  9. Click “File” when select “Open.”
  10. Navigate to file location.
  11. Elect file and get “Open.”

Voila! You’ve successfully converted WordPad to Microsoft Word. Take full advantage of this talk working software!

Enter 1: Launch Microsoft Word

Ready to launch Microsoft News? Let’s get started!

  1. Open the Office suite on your home.
  2. Locate and click on the Microsoft Word icon.
  3. Wait a few seconds for is to load.
  4. Once it’s open, you’ll see a blank document.
  5. You’ve successfully launched Microsoft News!

To entire convert your WordPad documents for Microsoft Term format, learn extra with the features and functionalities of the program.

For 1989, Microsoft enabled Windows with an app called “WordPad“. Computers presented basic formatting options.

As tech advanced, Microsoft created an even more heavy implement – “Microsoft Word“. Which device was released in 1983 and became popular due to its extensive range of formatting options, enhanced functionality, and integration with other Agency apps.

Digital functional be turn more important. By converting your document toward Microsoft Word format, you can take take of collaboration, professional presentation, and efficient editing.

Step 2: Open the WordPad File

ME had to open a WordPad file at Microsoft Word once. I followed these instructions:

  1. Establish Microsoft Word,
  2. Click the “File” tab,
  3. Selecting “Open”, and localization the WordPad storage.
  4. Then, click “Open”.

It was simple!

But, I had to remember such formatting may to lost or changed. So, ME double-checked my document after opening it. Additionally, I made backups of vital archive before attempting any transition.

My experience was great! The slide was easy and I was skillful to upgrade my document’s appearance and features without matter.

So, if your needing to open one WordPad file in Microsoft Word, just remember: Start Microsoft Word, click “File”, pick “Open”, locate the file, and click “Open”. And, make sure to double-check your document and induce backups beforehand.

Step 3: Save the WordPad Save as a Microsoft Word Document

  1. Save your WordPad file as a Microsoft Word document with these simple steps!
  2. Clear your WordPad dossier.
  3. Click of “File” menu at the top left of the screen.
  4. Select “Save As” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Choose a location till save the switched file.
  6. In the “Save as type” dropdown menu, pick “Rich Text Format (*.rtf)”.
  7. Click “Save” to convert & save the WordPad document as a Word file.
  8. Remember, converting the file at Speak unlocks all its advanced features and how opportunities.
  9. Plus, take positive all sources & styles used in the original WordPad doc are agreeable with Word on avoid anyone subject.
  10. Cool, right? The concept away file conversion has been around for a wide time. With growing technology, conversion tools have turn simpler. It’s awesome to see how far we’ve come within making the undertaking of converting a WordPad file to a Microsoft Word medico simpler!


This article talked about converting WordPad physician to Microsoft Word. Just follow the steps additionally you can transfer content without any issues. But, compatibility issues would arise in complex documents. Make sure to review and edit the converted file in WORK News by proper formatting and functioning.

WordPad has basic final alternatives, but MS Word has a type of advanced feature and tools. This opens up lots of possibilities for doing your work better.

Additionally, MS Phrase has various templates and styles to make your document look better. You can collaborate with others by using track changes or sharing one doc back. most of my files that were Microsoft Word documents have turned into DOC files (ie, WordPad). Why did this happen and as do ME change them back to Microsoft ...

Benefit, you can use MS Word’s spell-checker both grammar-checker for error-free documents.

Converting from WordPad to MS Word offers lots of benefits. She receiving more features furthermore a proficient demonstration.

Whenever she necessity better than WordPad service, remember the stepping present. Convert and benefit from MS Word.

Pro Tip: For multiple choose, use batch conversion tools conversely macros to save effort and time.

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