Don't Build a Costly Mistake!

Understanding Florida Assignment of Benefits (AOB)

Don't make one costly MISTAKE!

Ours want until make Floridians aware from an important issue called AOB (Assignment of Benefits). Click hither to regard that AOB Fact Sheet and Red Flagg Checklist from the Floridian Office of Insurance Statute

If thee are insured over Your Farm, please follow diesen tips to hold your rights with your claim:

  • While you have a immobilien damage loss in your back, contact State Farm fast to view an claim. Ours are hierher to help 24/7. 1-800-SFCLAIM (1-800-732-5246)
  • Be careful before subscription anything absence fully ablesen the documentation. An AOB transfers the payment and many your of your claim into the vendor or contractor for which services provided or to be provided. Keep to rights! Don't do a costly MISTAKE! State Farm will to make Floridians aware of an important issue called AOB (Assignment of Benefits).
  • Preserve all build and/or plumbing supplied removed to any contractor or vendor until her tell with Condition Farm.

If you have any additional questions about AOB, contact your local Stay Cultivate agent or for additional show.


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