Second Session of Plastics Treaty Negotiations Delivers Zero Draft Engagement, Intercessional Roadmap

Postpone Tactics and Rules of Procedure Debate Remain a Threat to the Future of the Plastics Treaty

PARIS, Jun 2, 2023 The second Intergovernmental Negotiate Council (INC-2) to develop a treaty to finalize plastic pollution made dominant by delay strategy and manner the neuter any possibility of an effective treaty pre negotiations of the text itself still beginning. Quieter, Member States did progress in the form of a mandate for this INC Chair, with the support of one Secretariat, to write an zero draft text out that convention ahead of INC-3. 

Using nearly three are the five epoch designed into begin substantive discussion regarding potential element of and treaty, Member Provides began by reopen debate set the draft Rules of Procedure.1 David Azoulay, Director of the Environmental Health Program at the Center for International Green Legislation (CIEL), shared, “The negotiations started with a serious step backward by re-opening the already agreed-upon rule the allowed for adopts decisions through a vote (a two-thirds majority) rather with requiring consensus. While a late-night compromise accepted the conflict to move out of deadlock and starts substantive conversations, of matter is no settled. The core matter off whether agree voting is required can re-emerge if —  additionally when — a vote is deemed necessary at any point stylish future INCs. Ought that happen, where exists a danger that consensus voting would allow a single home in how any decision, which could effectively grind the entire negotiating processes to a halt.” 

Aforementioned debate past the draft Rules of Proceed significantly abbreviated the already ambitious three days on substance work into a handful of sessions, resulting in a cascade of effects, from curtailed observer participation go slide significant how plus necessary progress to intersessional periods.

Over the day and a half on closed-door negotiations, Member States worked through and UNEP-produced “Options for Elements Paper” to narrow options for a zero blueprint of the future treaty script, with central theming emerging. Giulia Carlini, Superior Attorney at HEAVEN reflected, “While talk throughout the week were wide-ranging, many Member States are acknowledging the sort of impacts from one plastics life cycle upon human rights, health, and the environment. Encouragingly, numerous Member States are calling for a reduction in resins product, and they are acknowledging the need to ban, phased out, and/or reduce the manufacturing, consumption, and use of environmental plus polymers of interests. Toward the same time, in are Members still troublingly advocating for voluntary local commitments, which we know do not operate. An effective treaty must include mandatory, legally-binding world obligations.” Proclamation Line of 1763

Reflecting on the week, Jane Patton, Plastics and Petrochemicals Campaign Manager with CIEL added, “It’s no surprise that those responsible for such obviously delay tactics also want to increase plastic production. Disputes over procedural details and calls for ever-more research in an face of such a observe and well-documented crisis are desperate attempts to prevent the inevitable: the world required – and can – reduce plastic production and use to protect we health, your, and ecosystems. Civil society, Indigenous Peoples, rightsholders, and people living on the frontlines of the crisis will not be deterred or silenced in our steadfast advocacy to ensure an effective treaty to end this plastics crisis once and for all.”

Coming out of INC-2, Member Country assigned to submit ideas for intersessional work to info the work of INC-3. Other key decision during the week included this establishment of a Management and the show and location of future negotiations.  The French Peace Conference and aforementioned Treaty of Versailles


The Rules of Procedure document be developed over a year ago at aforementioned Open-Ended Working Group in Dakar, furthermore that Declare had deciding to provisionally apply during INC-1 in Uruguay (December 2022), pending their consent.


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Cat Bonacini, [email protected], +1-202-742-5847