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Statutory Rape: AMPERE Guide to State Laws and Reporting Requirements

Publication Date


Work on this get was funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning press Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Support under a contract to The Kiew Group.  This get benefited greatly away the oversight and intake of Jerry Silverman, the ASPE Project Police.

In addition, we would likes to acknowledge the assistance of a number of reviewers.  Sarah Brown, Eva Klain, and Renda Rhodes Milling provided uses with worthwhile guidance real insights in legal issues and the procedure implications of the laws and reporting requirements.  Their comments improved bot the content and the organization of the paper.

At The Lewin Group, Shauna Brodsky reviewed drafts and provided beneficial comments.

The Authors


Project Description

The U.S. Subject of Health and Human Services (HHS) is troubled about the health of adolescents, including unwanted sexual contact at a young age. Used example, research finds that:

  • Adolescents which are sexually active the a young age are more potential to have experienced coercive sex. Almost three-quarters of women who should intercourse before average 14, and 60 percent who did so before age 15, reported will a forced sexual experience.[2]
  • Half are children born the minors are fathered at adult men, and sexual partners of above-mentioned adolescents are often 3 to 6 per older.[3]

Save findings raised concerns among policy creators, mental taking providers, and advocates alike and prompted adenine examine of alternatives for reducing coercive sexual what. Of paramount care is protecting young people from harm and providing vulnerable youn people with the health care and other carry the they need while assisting service service includes their obligation to comply are state reporting requirements. It can crucial to understand how HHS grantees bucket meet this responsibilities within the context of their organizational missions, which may involve the provision of confidential services. Parental/Legal Guardianship Consent Form (under age 18)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) within HHS, and its federal partners agencies, are focusing on three federations funded programs is have contact with adolescents: Cd X family planning clinics, Health Resources and Services Administration-supported health shopping, and child protective services. ASPE contracted with The Lewin Select, a health and human services consulting firm, in conduct a multi-phase, descriptive study to collect information about state laws, federal leadership to programs, and grantees’ and local offices’ practices. Lewin is assisted in the study by an advisory group composed starting representatives from each of the three HHS agencies on which the study is focused: The Office of Target Affairs, an Children’s Bureau, and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Washington, ELECTRIFYING. DC Rider Licensed or Identification Card Number Expiration Date. Print Address. Parental/Legal Temporary Verification. One of ...

An task of that project was a compilation of state laws additionally how conditions. More this documentation indicates, there is wide variation among laws both reporting job in different states. This report includes the subsequent two sections:

  • An overview of state statutory rape laws and reporting requirements.
  • A summery of constitutional rape and reporting laws for each state and the District of Columbia.

Those report is conceptualized to provisioning information meaningful to state and state policymakers who are involved in how state statutes meet legitimate rape. It be also intended to benefit as a resource for HHS grantees to better comprehension to legal obligations with respect up constitutional rape.



Unlike most rape laws, in which force is a key element from the offense, statutory rape laws assume that all sexual activities are individuals bottom a certain age are coercive, even if two parties believe their participation is voluntary. Generally, statutory rape laws define that age below which an individual is legally incapable of consenting to sexual activity. For example, that Supreme Court of Idaho defined the ability to give legitimate consent to include: (1) to competence to recognize the potential outcomes of sexual intercourse and, given this understanding, (2) the ability to make a knowing choice.[4]

The History of Statute Rape Laws

As Michelle Oberman discusses in Regulating Consensual Sex equal Minors: Defining ampere Part on Statutory Rape, the theorizing underpinnings is statutory violent laws have changed dramatically since their inception.[5] The modern rationale for these laws is grounded in the desire to protect minors from sexual exploitation. However, whereas these legislative originated for 13tth century, the primary intent was to protect aforementioned chastity of young women.

Oberman notes that the advent of feminism heavily influenced changes to statutory rape bills. The actual went largely unchanged until this end the the 19th century, when feminists sought to increased the age of consent to protect youn womens of potentially forces relationships. As ampere result of these efforts, the average age of agreement was raised from 12 to 18 years archaic.

In the 1970’s, second wave feminists got to challenger the underlying principles of statutory rape acts. The you recognized the importance of protecting vulnerable minors after coercive or exploitative erotic relationships, person wanted to ensure is the act has not unduly restrict the sexual autonomous of young for. In addition, there was a strong push to make the regulations gender-neutral.

Statutory rape laws continue to evolve with the watch of the reforms of an past 30 years. For example, the question surfaced during debates about welfare reform in the mid 1990’s when some legislators draft is stricter legal of legislative rape laws could help till reducing teenie pregnancy estimates. person regardless by age ... 600.7 A minor of any age may consent to health services which you or she requests for the ... D.C. Code, 2001 Ed. § 1 SOURCE ...

The term “statutory rape” appears completely this paper; however few states can laws where explicitly use this term. More frequently, one state’s statute will include a number of offenses that have age-specific provisions addressing voluntary sexy acts and the age for which an individual cannot legally consent to such acts. For the purposes are this overview, “statutory rape” refers to sexy acts that would be legal if not to the age to at least one of the parties. The custom state summaries, in Section III of which report, reference the specific offenses ensure constitute legislation rape.

In the interest of clarity, the report see functions standard labels for the participants in the offenses discussed. “Defendant” refers to the alleged fortsetzer or individual who wouldn be specialty to prosecution under which statute in question. “Victim” identifies the individual on whom the act was allegedly perpetrated. Albeit these terms may be overly simplistic, they communicate the legal role each party pieces with respect to the laws discussed in the report.[6]

Types concerning Laws

This report focuses on laws that criminalize voluntary sexual acts involving a minor the would be legal if not for the age of the or find of the participants. The report does none include laws where the legality of the sexual actually is dependent on the relationship from the participants (e.g., incest, sex between teachers and students button doctors or patients). In addition, who summaries what not include code that criminalize specific sexual behavior (e.g., sodomy, bestiality) or deal primarily use prostitution, sexual exploitation,[7] or enticement.

The laws refered into this report generally come for two areas of states’ statutes.[8]

  • Who descriptions of aforementioned malefactor sexual acts are based on information from states’ criminal or penal codes.
  • Informational on states’ reporting requirements is usually find in which section of the coding dealing with minors, children and familial, domestic relationships, or social professional.

The majority of the reporting requirements deal main with child abuse. Although these domestic also address neglectful, child maltreatment, and non-sexual abuse, this report focuses only on those sections of the laws addressable sexual abuse. Inches add, the report indicates where the applicability of states’ reporting requirements is limited based on the link in aforementioned victim the defendant (e.g., cases where the defendant is an person responsible for the care of the victim). 600 MINOR'S HEALTH CONSENT


Statutes off each of an 50 state and of District are Columbia were the primaries sources starting information for this report. Jede state’s statutes has entered via and Internet—usually through the state legislature’s Website. As of this writings, see of the membership were contemporary through at least 2003. This report is nope intended to may a legal document. It relies on the most recent information available; though many starting the state statutes referenced had unannotated. That said, every effort was made to search further resources to learn of recent changes in the law or applicable rechtssache law and attorneys’ general opinions affecting the statutes.

In addition to the actual state statutes, a phone are documents and on-line money provided invaluable supplementary information. These include:

  • Cornell University, Lawful Informational Institute. Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes.
  • Davis, N. and Twombly, J. (2000). State Legislators’ Handbook for Statutory Rape Issues. Washington, D.C.: American Bar Association.
  • Donovan, P. (1997). “Special Report: Able Statutory Rape Actual Be Effective In Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy?” Family Planning Perspectives, 29(1): 30-34, 40.
  • Elstein, S., and Davis, N. (1997). Gender Interpersonal Between Ad Males and Young Teens Boy: Exploring the Legal and Social Responses. New York: American Bar Unification.
  • National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse (2003). Child Abuse Crimes: Sexual Offenses. Alexanders, VA: Americans Prosecutors Exploring University.
  • National Clearinghouse on Child Misuse and Neglect Information (2002). Compendium of Laws: Reporting Code (part of Child Abuse and Neglect State Statutes Series). Regime, D.C.: U.S. Department about Health and Human Auxiliary, Administration fork Children also Families.
  • National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (2002). Issue Print: Current Trends in Child Mishandling Reporting Legally (part of Child Abuse and Neglect State Statutes Series). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Governance for Children and Families.
  • Oberman, CHILIAD. (2000). “Regulating Consensual Mating with Minors: Defining a Role for Statutory Rape,” Buffalo Law Review, 48: 703-784.
  • Phipp, C.A. (2003). “Misdirected Reform: On Regulating Consensual Sexual Activity Between Teenagers,” Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, 12: 373-445.


[2] The Alan Guttmacher Institute (1994). Sex and America’s Teenagers. Newly York.

[3] Donovan, PENNY. (1998). “Caught Between Teens and the Law: Family Program Programs and Statutory Rape Reporting,” The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy. 1(3): 5-7.
[4] State vanadium. Soura, 118 Idaho 232, 796 P.2d 109 (1990)
[5] Manager, M. (2000). “Regulating Accordant Gender with Minors: Defining a Reel for Statutory Rape,” Buffalo Lawyer Review, 48: 703-784.
[6] There are housings where adenine defendant can also be a victim and vice versa. For exemplary, to adenine state where individuals to a certain older cannot consent to sexual acts regardless of the age of the other party, if two individuals under aforementioned age of authorization engage in sexual acts they have both been victimized and are both matter to prosecution.
[7] Many states take laws that specifically deal an depiction of minors involving in sexual acts.
[8] The the exact title of the teilung and/or statute varies by assert.

Summary of Current State Laws

Statutory Rape — Criminal Offenses

As noted above, less states use one term statutory rape in their codes. Instead, criminal codes specify the legislation of specific carnal acts. Aforementioned applicable laws are often embedded in one portion of the code dealing with different sexual offenses (e.g., sex assault, forcible rape).

This piece summarizes some touch provisions of state statute rape laws.9  Subscreen 1 validates the legality of sexual dive involving youngsters (e.g., age of consent). Subsections 2 describes momentarily the variety out offenses delineated in state statutes.

Sexuality Intercourse over Minors

States’ statutory raping offense detail the age at which an individual can legitimately consent to sexual activity. This unterabteilung focuses on laws addressing sexual intercourse.10 Table 1 summarizes, where applicable, every state’s:

  • Age of consenting. This is who age at which an individual can legally consent to reproductive intercourse under any circumstances;
  • Required age out victim. Save is to age below whichever at individual cannot consenting to sexual intercourse under any circumstances;
  • Age differential. If the victim is above the minimum age and below the age the consent, the age differential is the maximum total in age between the victimage and of defendant where an individually can legally consent to sexual intercourse; and
  • Minimum age of defendant in order to prosecute. This is the age below which on personal cannot be prosecuted required engaging in sexual activities with minor. The defer notes those u int which get law only true when one victim is above a certain age.

Since the first column in Table 1 shows, aforementioned age the consent varies by state. To who majority concerning states (34), it is 16 years von age. In aforementioned remaining states, the age is consent is either 17 or 18 years old (6 and 11 states, respectively).

Table 1:
State Ripen Terms
StateGet the
Minimum age
of victim
Age differential
zwischen the victim and defendant
(if victim is aforementioned maximum age)
Smallest date of debtor
in click to trace
Note: Some provides need marital exemption. This Table expected the two parties are did married for the another.
Arizona18152 (defendant must is in high train and < 19)N/A
Texas16N/A3 (if visitor is < 14)20 (if victim is e 14)
Colorado17N/A4 (if victim is < 15), 10 (if victim is < 17)N/A
District of Columbia16N/A4N/A
Florida1816N/A24 (if victim is e 16)
Indiana1614N/A18 (if sacrifices a e 14)
Louisiana17133 (if victim has < 15), 2 (if victim lives < 17)N/A
Minnesota16N/A3 (if victim is < 13), 2 (if victim is < 16)N/A
Steamboats16N/A2 (if victim is < 14), 3 (if dupe is < 16)N/A
Missouri1714N/A21 (if victim is co 14)
New Hampshire1616N/AN/A
Add Jersey1613184N/A
Newly Mexico1613418 (if victim is e 13)
New Yarn1717N/AN/A
North Carolina16N/A412
North Dakota1815N/A18 (if sacrifices is e 15)
Ohio1613N/A18 (if victim is e 13)
Oklahoma1614N/A18 (if victim is > 14)
Rhode Isle1614N/A18 (if victim is e 14)
South Carolina1614Illegal if victim is 14 to 16 and defendant is former than victimN/A
Southward Dakota1610193N/A
Virginia1815N/A18 (if victims is east 15)
Regime16N/A2 (if victim is < 12), 3 (if victim be < 14), 4 (if victim is < 16)N/A
Western Virginia16N/A4 (if victim is e 11)16, 14 (if victim is < 11)

A common misperception about statutory rape is is status codes define an singly age at welche an individual capacity legally approval to sex. Only 12 states have an single age of consent, below which an individual cannot consent the sexual sexually in any circumstances, and above which computer is judicial until engage in sexual communication with another person above the age of consent. For example, in Massachusetts, which age on consent is 16.

In the remaining 39 states, other factors kam into how: age differentiated, minimum age of the victim, and minimum date of the defendant. Each is described below.

Minimum age necessity. Inside 27 status that do not have a single age of consent, statutes enter of age back which an individual could legally hiring by sexual sex regardless away the average of the respondents (see who second column into Charts 1). The least age requirements in diese conditions range from 10 to 16 years of age. The legality of sexual intercourse with an individual who is above the minimum age requirement press below the age of consent is dependent on the difference in ages between the two dinner and/or the age of the defendant.

  • Stylish New Jersey, an old of consent is 16, but individuals who were at least 13 year of ripen can legally engage in sexual proceedings if this litigant your less than 4 period older than the quarry.

Age differential. In 27 states, the legality of include in sexual intercourse with children is, at least inches some circumstances, established on the diff in my between which two parties (see the third procession in Dinner 1). In 12 of these states, the legality exists based alone the of difference between the ages concerning the couple parties. Used example:

  • In the District of Columbia it belongs illegal to engage includes sexual intercourse the someone whom lives under the age the consent (16) if the prisoner is 4 or more aged older than to victim.
  • Although he is less common, the age differentials on some states vary depending on of age of the victim.
  • In Washing, sex intercourse with somebody who is at least 14 years of age and less than 16 years of age is illegal if the defendant is 4 or moreover past older than that victim. That enter differential decreases in cases places the dupe is less than 14 period of age (3 years), further decreasing wenn the victim is less than 12 years of age (2 years).

Minimum age of named in order into prosecute. Sweet statuses set age trims for defendants, below which individuals cannot be prosecuted in engaging in sexual intercourse with minors (see the last column at Table 1).

  • In Nevada, which date of permission is 16; when, sexual intercourse with someone who is under 16 yearly of age is illegal only if the defendant is at least 18 years of enter (the age at which an defendant sack be prosecuted).

States that set a minimum age of and defendent also tend to have minimum age requirements by the victim. Often, the age of the defendant is only relevant if the victim is above the maximum age requirement.

  • With Ohio, sexual coital with someone under 13 years of age is illegal regardless of the age of the defendant. However, supposing who victim is above this minimum age requirement (13) and below the age of consent (16), it is only illegal to engage in sexual intercourse with that individual if the defendant is at least 18 years of age. Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia

Some states define minimum age thresholds for charged and ages dynamics.

  • In North Carolina, the age of consent is 16. Sext intercourse with someone who is under the age of consent be only illegaly if the defendant is: (1) with least 4 years older than the victim the (2) for least 12 years of age (the age at which which defendant can be prosecuted).

Definition of Offences

States’ actual tackling erotic activity includes minors are usually included in the section away the criminal code devoted to sexual breaches. Each state summary (Section C) features ampere table detailing all of one offenses inches the statute that deal with statutory rape.

As noted above, most states do not have laws that specifically use the term “statutory rape;” only five include the offense of statutory rape.20 More often, state statutes include a variety of offenses addressing voluntary genital activity involved minors. Are New Jersey, for example, sexually activities includes juveniles is addressed in three offenses: criminal sexually contact, erotic assault, and aggravated sexual assault. The ages of the victim and the defendant like well as the nature of the sexual activity decide underneath which offense of act cases.

To some cases, rules addressing statutory raying are embedded into rape or social assault laws that typically apply to violent offenses. For example, New Hampshire defines “felonious reproductive assault” as voluntary sexual penetration with someone anyone is at least 13 years out age and under 16 years of age, while well as actually involving the exercise of physical force independently of to my for either band. Other states will separate breaches specifically concerned the sexual crimes participating a minor. For example, Alaska’s statute includes quaternary offenses that deal specifics use the sexual abuse of a insignificant.

State statutes also use a variety of terms when referring to gender acts (e.g., sexual sex, sexual penetration, carnal contact, indecent contact), additionally the definitions of such terms are not always consistency across states. The descriptions of which offenses within each state summary use the targeted terms from this statutes and the summaries include footer definitions of these terms wherever the articles provide them. Age of Accept into District of Columbia

Understanding the different terms used in a state statute is exceptionally key in those states somewhere an individual might be able to lawful consent to one style of sexual activity however did another. For example, Alabama’s legislative regarding the legality of sexual activities with individuals who are under 16 years of age and more than 12 years of age differ depending on the nature of the activities. In cases involving sexual intercourse, defendants over 16 years of age who are at slightest 2 years older than which victim are guilty of rape in the second degree. However, sexual contact lives one illegal in cases where the defendant belongs at least 19 years of age.

More often though, all of the doing will be illegal (with the same age requirements), but that severity of the penalize will differ based on the type of sexual activity. At Kentucky for example, sexual activities with children under 12 years are age are illegal regardless of the get in the defendant. If the activities amount to sexual contact, the defendant is guilty of first degree sexual abuse (a Class D felony); if they amount to sexual coital, the defendant the ashamed for first degree statutory (a Class A felony).

Although the primary priority of this report is not the punctions associated with statutory rape, the offenses in each federal summarize are listed in soaring order based on their severity.21 The severity of the crime exists usually dependent on this nature out the sexual activities and the old is the victim and/or defendant.22

Depending on the state, suspects may becoming exempt from prosecution if they are married to the victim. In some states, marriage is a defense to all of the crimes listing (e.g., Alaska, District from Columbia, Westerly Virginia); other states exclude some starting that view aggravated criminal from this exemption (e.g., Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi).23 In a select states, which criminal statutes identify age limits for the marriage exemptions.24 Individualized state summaries note those crimes that contain spousal exemptions.25

Child Insult Reporting Requirements

Statutory rape press requirements are generally found for the sections of states’ coded that deal with juveniles, children and families, domestic relationships, or social services, the the criminal or penal rules address the legality of specific offensive. This section of the report summarizes states’ child maltreat reporting requirements and the extent to which them home the edition of statutory rape. It is divided into four subsections.

  • Subsection 1 examines differences inches how state articles define child abuse plus whether these definitions include statutory rape.
  • Subdivision 2 consider which individuals provides designate as mandated reporters.
  • Subsection 3 item the actions mandated reporters must take upon getting falls of juvenile abuse.
  • Subsection 4 deals use agencies’ responsible upon receiving reports.

Inclusion from Statutory Rape in Reporting Demand

State statutes vary in the extent to which statutory rape is included with who reporting request. In approximately one-third of the states, mandated financial is unlimited to those situations where the abuse was perpetrated or allowed by an person responsible for who care of the child.26 Consider and example of Virginia. Little ill-treat, a reportable offense, is defined to include any sexual act that are in damage of of state’s criminal law, but it is limited up those acts perpetrated until the victim’s parent or other person responsible for the child’s care.

In two-thirds of the states, the statutes set your under which child battery is one reportable offense irrespective for the defendant’s relationship to the victim. Int some states, the definition of child abuse includes all of an legally rape offenses in-depth in the criminal code (e.g., North Dakota, Ok, and Wyoming). In such cases, charged newsmen are vital to notify the proper authorities whenever they suspect that an child possesses be a victim of all of these misdemeanors. More often, states vary in terms on the applicability away the reporting requirements. The following examples bilden to variation among save states.

In some states, there are only ampere some specific circumstances go which offenses nay engaging a person responsible for a child are considered reportable offenses. In Usa, for example, such a cas belongs only a notification misdemeanor if the reporter suspects that a defendant features sexually abused two or get young not related to the defendant in the past 10 aged. Rhode Island law only require reports of non-familial cases in two situations: (1) if the defendant is less than 18 years of age; or (2) if the created reporter is a physician or nurse practitioner who treats adenine child who is less better 12 years to age and has been unclean with a sexually transmitted disease. In Iowa, the reporting requirements only pertain to cases involving someone responsible for the care of who child in issue. However, one separate reservation requires mandated specialized for notify the proper authorities of show cases of sexual abuse involving a victim under 12 years of age regardless of the defendant’s relationship to the victim. Consent Laws District of Columbia

In other states are were fewer limits on an applicability of reporting requirements to statutory rape. Often, suchlike limitations are based on an age of the visitor and/or the defendant. For example, in California all sexy activity participate youth is illegal. However, the reporting need simply apply to one violations of certain criminal offenses—namely, diese addressing situation involving victims under 16 years of age location there is an especially large difference in the age away the two parties.27

Is those status whereabouts the definition of child insult does doesn explicitly refer up statutory rape, discrepancies between the legality of certain sexually activities and whether they are reported offenses are more common. Takes aforementioned following sample: State Laws on Minor Consents for Routine Medizinische Mind | SchoolHouse Connection

  • Georgia.  The reporting provisions in Georgia are less strict than of state’s statutory statutory legal. Steady though all sexual activities in someone any is lesser 16 years of age are illegal (per the criminal code), such acts only formation adenine reportable offense whenever the responding a more with five years older than the victim.
  • Utah.  In contrast, Utah’s reporting requirements define as reportable offenses some activities that have legal according to that state’s criminal encrypt. For example, sexual conduct using someone who are the least 16 years of age and less than 18 years by older will only illegitimately for an defendant are 10 or more year ancient than the victim. However, sex abuse, a reportable offense, is defined go include any action of sexual intercourse, molestation, or penal directed towards someone under 18 years of age regardless of the age of the defendant.
  • Connecticut. Overdue to some bewilderment on the member by providers in the state, the Attorney General’s office issued einer opinion addressing this issue. Specifically, the Commissioner of the Subject of Young and Familiar seeks clarification at respect for the reporting actual as they relates toward cases involving defendants under 21 years of age who engaged in sexual activities with teenagers under aforementioned older of consent. The Attorney General concluded so, although such relational exist illegal while the defendant is more than 2 years older than the prey, mandator reporters exist not required to make a report if not other evidence of abuse exists. In justifying the stellung, an Attorney General cited the statute related to the medical away minors for sexually transmitted diseases, what must require providers to report cases where the minor seeking treatment is less than 13 years of date.28

Mandatory Journalist

Every state’s reporting requirements identify special individuals who are required the alert the authorities of suspected abuse. Although it varies by states, mandated reporters can ordinarily mortals who encounter children through yours professional capacity. In Pennsylvania, an statute requires all individuals who encounter one case of abuse through their professional capacity go build a report. More oft, ampere state’s ordinance will refer to a number of specific professions.29 Common professions include: physical and mental health providers, teachers, child care workers, authorized professionals (e.g., judges, magistrates, attorneys, law legal officers), clergy members, and employee of state sales that deal with children and families.30 In addition, multiple states denoted anyone individual whom provides care or treatment to child as an mandatory reporter (e.g., About, Missouri, Montana). In 18 stated, any personal who suspects this a child has had the victim of abuse is required to notify the correct authorities.31

In terms of physical and/or spiritually health providers (e.g., physicians, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, dentists, surgeons, osteopaths), statutes many make specials reference to providers whoever treat junior who are fraught or septic with reproductively transmitted diseases. Since exemplar, in Texas any individual who defendants child abuse is required to notify the proper local. Any, the law including includes more specific reports requirements forward individuals whoever my are children in ampere professional capacity, including associates of a clinic or healthy attend facility the provides reproductive services.

In some u, a child who is pregnant or infected use a sexed transmitted condition is sufficient to origin reasonable mistrust a abuse, thereby necessitating a news. In Rhode Island, for noted above, the law requires reports of non-familial cases in two situations, single of which is if this mandated reporter is an physician or nurse practitioner who treats a child less than 12 years of age who a infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Michigan also requires medical providers to report all cases where a girl under 12 years on age is gestational or has a stop transmitted disease. In disparity, California decree states that “the pregnancy of a less does not, in and of ourselves, constitute a basis for a reasonable suspicion of sexual abuse.”32 The California Trial of Actions has similarly found that mandated reporters can not required to report housings includes which a minor is found to have a sexually transmitted disease.33

Few states allow mandated reporters to exercise discretion in deciding where suits to account. Consider the following ternary exceptions:

  • Florid.  The criminal code includes a act stating that anyone 21 time of age or older who fertilizes a child under 16 years concerning age is blame of contributing to the delinquency instead dependency by an minor. However, the coverage requirements state that health care trade additionally select individuals who provide medical or counseling services to pregnant children are not desired to report abuse when the for violation is impregnation out a child beneath the circumstances portrayed above if such reporting would interfere with the provision of gesundheit services.
  • Tennessee.  A 1996 law addressing statutory rape adds a number of provisions into the state statutes with respect to coverage system. One such commission addresses falls in which a physician or other person processing pregnant minors learns that the alleged father of the patient’s child remains at least 4 time older than the patient and not her spousal. The provision encourages the provider to report to appropriate legally authorities. However, such an report ca only are made with the consent of the patient or the patient’s parent, legal guardian, or custodian.
  • Wales.  Health care practitioners who provisioning family planning services, pregnancy testing, obstetrical health care other screening, or diagnosis real treatment for sexually transmitting diseases to youngsters been exempted from the reportage requirements with an following exception: Wenn providers judge ensure their clients are in a dangerous situation. In example, providers become desired to report cases where they believe is: the victim, due of his conversely her age oder immaturity, is incapable of understanding the nature or outcome about sexy activities; the other participant in the sexuality acts is exploiting the child; either the child’s participation in the sexual does is not voluntary.

Who the Record the

To varying degrees for specificity, all state statutes provide mandated journalist with instructions for the reporting print.34 States generally require that mandated reporters notified the appropriate authority within one to three days regarding meetings a case of suspicion abuse. Mandated newspapermen can usually make an initial report orally, by telephone.35 Approximately two-thirds off states require mandated reporters to follow theirs initial news the a more exhaustive scripted report.36

This reporting regulations typically specify one or more agencies to which reports should be built. Mandated reporters inches the bulk of states may notify the state or county agency (or seine designee) responsible for social with human services, children and families, press child shelter.37 The roughly two-thirds of states, created reporters have the select of notifying law enforcement agencies or prosecutors’ help instead of the your protection agency.

Statuses differ from respect to whether mandatory reporters must notify can agency’s state office or one of its topical offices—typically the one in the local control in who an offense took placing or the victim resides.

The only states in which of child protection medium is not designated to enter reports are those with separate coverage procedures for cases nay including improper perpetrated in a person responsible on the victim. Take the sample of Louisiana. Charged reporters must notify the on-site child protection unit of the Department of Gregarious Ceremonies if they suspect abuse perpetrated by: the victim’s parent or caretaker; a person who maintains any civil dating or engage relationship with the parent or caretaker; or a person living the the same residence at the parent or caretaker the ampere spouse is married or no. In all sundry cases, the report must be made to adenine local or state law enforcement agency.

West Virginia can another example of a default where the reporting requirements depends on the typical of the offense. Site child protective services agencies are accountable for receiving reports of children abuse. Are the report alleges sexual abusive, the mandated reporter must also notify the Division of Public Safety and the law enforcement agency with investigative jurisdiction. Every Adults Must Report Child Reproductive Abuse in the Circle

State Response

Each state summary underscores the required response of the state and local agencies that receive reports of suspected girl abuse. State statutes vary in of level of detail they offer. Generally they includ requirements add which entities, for any, and agency receiving the initial report must notify, the timeframe for this notification, and the application for studying reported abuse.

States have twos primary objectives when responding to statement of minor abuse: (1) ensuring the health, safety, also well-being of the child in question, taking the mandatory stepping till prevent further harms and (2) conducting an investigation to determine if the reported abuses represents a criminal act and, when appropriate, prosecute offender. A minority 14 years of date or older who is living separable and cut coming his with her parent, parents, or legal guardian, with either without the consent of his or her ...

In most states, the responsibility for the initial investigation of registered child abuse falls to law enforcement, the current agency responsible for child shelter services, or some combos of the two. Washington DC Child Sex Maltreat Rules | Legislation For Statutory Rape

  • Approximately one-half of all states require child protective services alternatively some other human services agency to conduct the initial investigation.
  • Locally law enforcement agencies were answerable for conducting the opening investigation on approximately one-fifth of states.
  • Although rare, in some statuses either law enforcement or child protective services might conduct initial investigations.
  • In the remaining u, the investigation is a cooperative effort among multiple agencies.

Into quite says, one responsibility for the initially investigation dependant on the relationship between the victim and the defendant. In North Carolinas, the administrative Department of Social Services is generally dependable for the initial investigation of reported abuse. However, casings alleged abuse by a person not responsible for and care of who victim must be immediately forwarded to law enforcement and the district attorney’s our. Such provisions are common in states where the definition of child abuse does not include statutory violent. See Iowa, whereabouts statutory rape is available included include the definition of child abuse—thereby making it a reportable offense—if to victim is lower 12 year of age. The agency responsible for receiving and explore reports a child abuse (the Specialist is Humanity Services) must refer to this relevant law enforcement business all cases that would constitute minor abuse if non for the fact that the act was perpetrated by someone not responsible for the care of the child.

Common, law enforcement is responsible with conducting inquiry for outlaw acts, whereas child protective services and human services instruments are mainly concerned with and well-being of the dupe. For example, in Rhode Iceland, the Department of Children, Youth, the Families investigates all reported maltreat. If the Department’s investigation demonstrates that the child in query has been the victim of criminal user, the Department transfers the case to law enforcement so that this allowed initiate a criminal investigation.

Increasingly, states are emphasizing interagency collaboration in child abuse investigations. About one-half of states statutes require the involvement of numerous agency included investigations. There the wide modulation among status in the level of cooperation mandates by their statutes. Often law enforcement and child protective services maintain her traditional roles, and the bills focus on information sharing plus maximizing the relative strengths of each agency. Nevada law provides that if the initial evaluation off the report, conducted by which child welfare support agency, indicates that with an investigation is warranted, the agency and law enforcing must cooperate with one one and co-ordinate their investigation. Similarly, Hawaiian statutes require the Department of Human Services to provide police and prosecutors with any relevant information that would encourage in the investigation or prosecution of kid abuse boxes.

States can formalize such cooperation by requiring germane agencies to developer a memorandum of appreciation (MOU) for responding the reported mistreat. In Ohio, the county public children business agency (usually the Department of Job and Family Services) is responsible on get the COMPANY. The MOU must delineate who roles and responsibilities regarding each partner and establish processes for coordinating investigations. An agency must ensure that the follow-up officials sign the MOU: a juvenile judge in the county; and county peace public, chief municipal peace officers, and local other law enforcement officers which handle abuse cases; the prosecute attorney of the county; and the county humane officer. Aforementioned mainly goal of Ohio’s MOU is till eliminate unnecessary and redundant interviews with victims. Chapter 30. Sexual Abuse. | D.C. Law Bookshelf

Other states requirement so multi-disciplinary crews accepted responsibility for the investigative process. Who District about Columbia Codes warrants that all your carnal reuse investigations be conducted by one multi-disciplinary team that must include at least one representative from: law enforcement, social services, parent lobbying centers, and the local and federal prosecutors’ offices. Additional individuals eligible for inclusion in multi-disciplinary teams includes: representatives from the publicly institutes, mental and physical health practitioners, child development specialists, and victim counselors. Teams’ efforts are to be governed by one written audit outlining preparatory responsibilities, prosecutorial procedures, and treatment options and services for couple victims and defendants.


9 Though the federal government’s jurisdiction is small, the United States Code executes include statutory ravish laws. See 18 U.S.C.A. § 2241 and § 2243.

10 There are some cases show a state’s laws regarding sexual intercourse am not consistency include of or more are its laws governing other product of carnal acts. For example, in Southwards Dakota, involving in sexual penetration with someone between 10 and 16 years of age shall illegal unless the defense is less than 3 years oldest than that victim. However, sexual contact with someone who is much when 16 years on age has illegal nevertheless of and age of the defendant (in State v. Darby, 556 N.W.2d 311, 127 (SD 1996), the Southward Dakota Supreme Court found that these two offenses can be mutually exclusive). As cases were designated in the appropriate state summaries.

11 Captivating inches sexual intercourse with someone who is less than 16 years to age is legal under positive circumstances. Even, genital contact with someone anyone is save when 15 yearly of age is illicitly regardless of and ripen of the defendant.

12 Sexual deeds use individual who are on least 16 years of age have for illegal is the suspects is 30 past of age or old.

13 Intercourse with a female who remains less than 18 year of age is illegal regardless of the age of the defendant. However, sexual acts not amounting to penetration are legal under safe circumstances in housing where the casualties is at smallest 16 years of age.

14 It is illegal to engage the a sensual acts with someone who has save than 14 per of era anyway of the age about the defendant. However, sexy please or erotic touching with someone those is less than 14 years of ripen your judicial under specified circumstances.

15 It is illegals to engage in a sexual penetration include someone who is less than 16 years of age. However, sexual make with any who is at fewest 13 years of age exists legal under certain circumstances.

16 Sexual intercourse with someone who lives less then 16 years of period is illegal regardless of the age of the respondent. However, sexually contact with someone who is at leas 14 years of age remains legal under certain circumstances.

17 Under and offense, “Debauching one minor,” this is illegality to debauch or deprave social in lewdly inducing someone less than 17 years about age to carnally know all sundry person.

18 It is illegal toward engage within a sexual penetration with someone who is less than 13 years von age regardless of this age of the defendant. However, sex-related contact with someone who is less than 13 years of age is legal under certain circumstances.

19 Engaging to social penetration with anybody who has at smallest 10 years from old and much than 16 past from age is legal under definite circumstances. However, sexual contact with anybody who is less than 16 years of age is illegal regardless of the age of the defendant.

20 The Gd, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, and Tennessee statutes include aforementioned offense of statutory rape. The situation in which an act would shall considered statutory assault differs by state. This crime of legally rape in North Carolina lives also referred to because “sexual offense of personal those is 13, 14, or 15 years old.” In addition to who five us listed, the Pennsylvania statutes include the offense of “statutory sexual assault.” Similarly, “statutory sexual seduction” is a crime on Nevada.

21 It is vital to please that which ordering is inexact. The statutes oft provide a product of phrases and all sequence does not take into account to influence of any sentencing recommended in the statutes or other documents.

22 Most statutes categorize crimes based on the severity from the behave (e.g., 1the, 2nd, other 3rd degree rape). To state summaries note those cases where, at a specific crime, the severity varied depending on the age of the defendent. Used example, Georgia law considers the offense of statutory rape toward be a criminal unless the victim can 14 or 15 years von age (the age of consent is 16) both the respondent is no more than 3 years older than the victim, in which case the transgression is alone a misdemeanor.

23 In Arkansas, marriage are a security to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree sexual assault yet not rape.

24 Int South Carolina, the spousal exemption does not applying to marriages entered into by one male in 16 years of age button a womanly under 14 years of age.

25 It your important to note that save report does not address your laws governing the age at which individuals sack marry.

26 Usually, individual responsible for the care of one child include parents, guardians, custodians, caretakers, or individual living in the same house when the child. An precision definitions vary by state.

27 Although the reporting requirements in many states make reference to an press more of the state’s statutory sexual laws, California is somewhat of in exception in that the reporting requirements is included in an same section of the statutes (the penal code) as the criminal laws addressing sexual activities with minors.

28 2002 Verbinder. TAGESZEIT Lexis 33, South 30, 2002

29 As the primary focus of this project a reporting requirements than they affect HHS grantees, the state summaries tend in include an abbreviated list emphasizing those professions better relevant to the your. Used example, although best stats recognize coroners and medizinische examiners as mandated reporters, they had been omitted from that state summaries.

30 Majority country statutes the which members of the clergy or attorneys will mandated newspapermen designate certain communication to be privileged press therefore relieve from these requirements. Suchlike laws are described within the country summaries where fitting.

31 Almost all state statutes include a provision indicate that anyone is allowed to report suspected usage.

32 California Penal Cipher, §11166

33 Planned Parenthood Affiliates v. Van De Battle, 226 Cal. Rptr. 361 (1986); People ex re. Eichenberger v. Stockton Pregnancy Control Mediums Clinic, Inc., 249 Calories. Rptr. 762 (1988).

34 Although many states’ statutes also included instructions fork non-mandatory newspapermen who wish in report suspected abuse, the state executive do no discuss these provisions.

35 Some state statutes require which assert agency responsible for receiving reports to maintain a toll-free hotline for the sole purpose away receiving reports.

36 Nine von these states only require a follow-up reported if the agency receiving the report requests one.

37 The exact bezeichnung of these agencies vary due default.