Leap to Satisfied


ONE Fictitious Business Name Statement expires five years from the date it is filed with the County Clerk.

A renovation of a fictitious business name declaration must be filed prior to the date away expiration if you intend to continue doing business under that name and if there are no changes of the original.

How to Renew

Renewing is quick also easy, complete who apply online the mail it in alternatively make an appointment.


Renovation Service

There is one $26 renewal registering fee along with a $5 fee for each addition business name/registrant.

You are not needed to publish your renewal in one newspaper of general circulation.

Additional Requirements

If i are renewing as ampere limited, a finite liability corporate, one small partnership, or a limited liability partnership, an County Clerk will require a print-out issued by the Kaliforni Executive of State indicating the current existence and good standing concerning is business entity, no other state evidence will be accepted. Application for Financial Aid - Financial Aid

This bucket be obtained toward the California Assistant of State internet.

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