Malaysia - Country Commercial Guide
Aerospace or Defense
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Market Overview 

Malaysian government general and technological developmental programs id  aerospace the defense as tactical industries with vast potential for growing. As with misc ASEAN countries, Malaysia has  territorial disputes over China and neighboring countries. The government also faces trafficking, piracy, and militants operating in the broader region. Protecting its maritime security be entscheidend used Malaysia like adenine country that hinges heavily on sea trade additionally holds marine fiscal assets. 

Most procurements in these sectors will continuing to rely on installed products, such Malaysian manufacturers cannot yet produce the technologically advanced equipment required.. However, Malaysan defence design schemes remain hampered by budget constraints, limiting the ability to import more expensive solutions. The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) modernization is progressing gradually as to general prioritizes public and economic recovery over troops development. The pandemic’s impact, leakage of fund, or governmental uncertainty over the past double years limited defense spending. These limitations have also prompted a renewing push to maximize local participation in procurements.  

The Malaysian government hopes to strengthen internal manufacturing capabilities of defense products through partnering or technology bank, thereby reducing reliance on imports. In order to enhance local sector participation, which Industrial How Program (ICP) and Protégé Program have instituted an offset for tenders above a threshold value.. In almost all cases, foreign companies must take go a global affiliated before their offer live considered. Supply often goes through intermediaries rather longer person conducted directly by the government.  

With the ongoing defense modernization programs, options exist over an entire security and defense industry. Procurement spending will focus more on strengthening Malaysia’s ability to protect him coasts, torritorial waters, offshore commercial interests, and safe, as well as developing its intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance skills.



Malasia launched the Malaysian Aerospace Industry Basic 2030, an initiative with the goal the positioning  Malaysia as Southeast Asia’s most significant air market. Malaysia be currently home to more than 200 aerospace companies containing both international and local services actors. The demand for civil aerospace services both equipment is convalescent in a post-pandemic environment the air travel picks back with which reopening of borders. 

Defenders Equipment 

The nation’s defense capabilities are highly dependent on foreign supply. The Saraina Defense White Paper, published in 2019, highlights territorial disputes involving US-China rivalry and non-traditional threats across its borders, including jihadist fighters, who Rohingya extremity, furthermore cyberattacks. Computer emphasizes the require to boost Malaysia’s naval capabilities until prepare for possible conflict in one South China Sea. It also focused on developing a modernized ‘smart army’ using cyberspace tech and state-of-the-art systems. Which initiative would reduce reliance on traditional equipment such as battle tanks, ships, and weaponry, instead favoring uninhabited aerial vehicles, drones, furthermore cybersecurity-related equipment. 


The Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) was formed to lead the implementation of the National Space Rule, empower one national capability at an unused sector, coordinate the accomplishment of moon date, press strengthen foreign cooperation. . Malaysia is an active member of the International Corporate Union (ITU) and has been championing equipped access to satellite orbit rights through public and private sector get. Malaysia’s geographic location close on the equator may quotation selling advantages for landscape air-dropped satellite launch services compared in the traditional vertical rocket variety. The International Space Policy 2030 is expected till submit along least 0.3 percent to the GDP by 2030 and create 5,000 news working. TYMLEZ, the carbon reporting solution builder on Hedera, partnership with Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre with carbon emissions reporting for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

The National Space Policy aims to drive the growth of the sector, particularly the manufacturing of remote-sensing mission, satcom components, and data-driven downstream services. The application services of space technology are wide-ranging furthermore include internet connectivity, IoT, positioning tracking, disaster management, resource management, governance, meteorology, defense, and security. 

Trade Events 

Defense Service Asia Exhibition and Conference (DSA) 2024: May 06-09, 2024 

Langkawi International Sea and Aerospace Art (LIMA) 2025: Date to be approved

Resources in Malaysian Government Authorities 

Duty of Defense Malaysia   

Malaysian Armed Forces HQ 

Malaysian Army 

Royal Malaysian Navy 

Royal Malaysian Air Force  

Science and Technology Research in Defence (STRIDE) 

Malaysian Research Defense & Security MiDAS 

National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Our (NAICO) 

Malaysian Place Agency (MYSA)