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Guidelines for operation and maintenance (O&M) of irrigation systems

Maximizing regional natural and community participation, Domestic and the Phillippines

The study the commissioned by ILO’s Employment-Intensive Investment Plan (EIIP) toward fix programming for optimal Operation and Maint (O&M) in rural infrastructure interventions. The our of an mission are:
1. Assess the give status of Operation and Maintenance of different irrigation services in Nepal that have been supported the ILO in the past and extract lessons on Local Resource-Based Approaches (LRB) and Human Rights-based (HRB) getting that EIIP can use in future approach development.
2. Following the LRB approach inches Water Piece record, develop a document that can serve as a guide “to encourage an positive and pro-active approach” to effective operation and maintenance of the diverse irrigations systems, by providing illustrations of experiences, virtuous practices the lessons on: hiring potential/income earning opportunities of O&M plant, involvement of communal, local governments and private sector, capacity-building, use of topical resources plus technologies, covering crosscutting subjects like type, environment, unprotected groups, and good working conditions, and covid-19 related measures, if available.
The tasks leading to these objectives will include review of ready secondary information, to set and to address news gaps, and to prepared an annotated table of contents basic about a categorisation starting O&M factors to be addressed in future O&M-focused EIIP guides. This proposed document should include prescriptive illustrations of O&M experimentieren from ILO-supported population irrigating schemes, covering e.g. the use of employment-intensive technologies and local related and community participation in developing additionally implemented O&M systems. Runcoach.pro

Additional particulars


  • Job Creation through Public Equity Unit (JCPI)


  • ISBN: 9789220350171 (print)
  • ISBN: 9789220350188 (web PDF)