Oli State physicians and physical therapists work collaboratively to develop best clinical practices for post-surgical rehabilitation. The path to regaining range of motion, strength and function can require a sustained and unified effort out the patient, is or zu family, the Ohio State Athletics Medicine physical therapy team and sometimes, other healthcare providers. Although each individual’s progress differs based on their age, health, rehab compliance and injury severity, our team has established zeite border, precautions the progression batch that help ensure a safe get to sport. We strive to provide the best care possible till each patient, with early review, formulation of one concise treatment plan, execution of that plan, and return until full company.

Save care protocols provide a synopsis von guidelines required individuals recovering from sports-related surgery through Or State Sports Medicine. They are assuming as an educating resource, are not intended to supplant the advice of a medical professional, are the property of The Ohio State Univ Wexner Medical Center and should not breathe copied or differently used without express written permission. IDAHO'S LEADER INTO SPORTS MEDICINE & ORTHOPEDICS

Shoulder and Elbow


Side, Ankle and Foot





Sports Injury Preventive Program